Friday, May 20, 2011

Busyness and Margin

OK, so I haven't been too busy lately updating everyone on the blog.  Every time I would get this great idea, life would happen and before I knew it, another day had begun.  I apologize.  I keep thinking, well, once I get "A" done, then I'll have time.  It hasn't happened.

Right now I'm reading a book about putting margin in your life.  What is margin?  Well, that is what I'm struggling with right now.  Think of a document and all of that space around it.  That is margin.  Well, how do I get margin in my life, especially as we prepare for Papua New Guinea, and try to do all that we can while we are here?  First, I have to say "no" to the good things.  There is nothing wrong with them, but they are not where God needs us to be.  We have to only say "yes" to those things that will glorify God.  Sounds so easy, but it is so not easy.  I am still learning how to truly listen to my husband when it comes to activities.  Shhh, don't tell him my secret, but he really does have a clue about what is expected and what I can handle.  God is also showing me that just because I could do it in the past does NOT mean I can or should do it now.  I forget how much I need to do. 

God is the One that created margin- a day of rest.  If God needed a day of rest, then how much more do I?  Between serving, speaking, and kids activities, that day of rest seems very elusive.  I'm trying to make a cognitive decision to have at least a time of rest.  This week Tim & I made an agreement that when the kids went to bed, we would not continue to do our work in different rooms, but we would spend the time together.  It's been an extremely relaxing end to some very crazy, busy days. 

As summer approaches, I usually look forward to lazy days at the pool and just enjoying a slower pace.  This summer will be different as I try to cram as much in for the kids as possible in the two months that we have.  In addition to packing and preparing for our Intercultural Communication Class that is the month of August in North Carolina.  Pray that we remember to add margin and rest to our lives.  I pray each of you can find some white space in your lives!

1 comment:

  1. I've read that book! I know what you mean about margin. I find myself falling into the trap of thinking "well, I'll just do the margin thing later...I can handle this pace for a few more weeks!" Haha, that kind of defeats the purpose of it! Yesterday, my family took the entire day to spend together without any influence from "outside" responsibilities(including Wycliffe). It was wonderful.
